Monday, 2 November 2015

The Social Wave: Why Social Media is Not Reality

 Happy Tuesday my loves. I Hope everyone had an amazing Halloween weekend! 

Let's get right to it, If you follow me on Instagram you probably see me constantly posting pictures. But, I came across an article the other night that discussed the lack of authenticity portrayed on social media and I began to think deeper and realized that I'm guilty. We only show our “followers" what we want them to see, but that's what social media is. It's the front door to our lifes. You are not able to see inside, to understand who each of us really is. If you scroll through my Instagram or any other profile you only see the happy moments. The pictures that create a false representation of our lives. We always comment on each other's pictures saying "woah you are perfect" or “your life is amazing" but reality of it all is it's not. The whole idea that perfection means beauty and that money means happiness has been amplified by social media. We are on a constant pursuit for likes, and for followers. But, what does 400 followers or 70k define about a person? Whose opinion matters more? Who lives a better life? Who is happier? What are we really chasing in the end? I created my blog as a form of expression, an outlet to let you step inside my life. I want be transparent and be able to inspire others to do that same. Just like you, I cry, I go on bad dates, I fall for the wrong guys, stress over university and  make stupid decisions  I later spend hours texting my best friends about. This is real life, and I want to try to be as real as I can with my blog and the content I create. My life is just as imperfectly perfect as yours. But regardless of the imperfections my life may have, I also know that they are only temporary. I wake up sometimes and I'm not happy with who I am or the way I look but what are those thoughts doing for me? They aren't motivating me to pursue my dreams or  helping me find happiness. All we need in life is a little bit of self-love and self-worth to know that we are capable of reaching anything we put our mind to.we need  to realize that the problems we may be facing are so irrelevant to the problems other children and families face on a daily basis.   I am so thankful for having a roof over my head, a plate of food on the table every morning and most importantly to be lucky enough to have my family. Hopefully, the positive wave on social media helps us understand that we should be happy with who we are, and our only goal in life should be to be a better version of ourselves. 

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