Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Healthy Living with a Twist

Hola Mis Amores, New Year  Eve is a time where a lot of us start to think back to the previous year, and start to reminisce on all the things that went right and wrong this year. We began 2014 with a different mindset, and now that it is coming to an end you realize how much this year has changed you. From the one to many " this could be something" moments to those unforgettable nights with your family and friends.2014 was for me at least a year of constant growth. I learned that you have to step outside of your comfort zone to start living, I learned how to love myself for who I am and finally understood that life is all about timing.  You have to love yourself before you can try to love someone else, and for me changing my lifestyle gave me a whole new perspective on life. I know this post is a bit melancholic but hopefully you can relate to me in some way or another. The point of this post isn't to share with all mis amores my  love life or get all emotional, in fact it's about changing your lifestyle this upcoming  new year.

For me changing my eating habits was one of the best things I did this year. Being healthy in mind,body and soul ignites an explicable sense of happiness in you. I have put together a list of healthy products, meal ideas and my favorite work out videos that have helped me become a healthier individual, and hopefully it will also help you reach your New Years resolution. 

Let 2015 be a year without any boundaries. Step out of your comfort zone, pursue something you love regardless of what other may think. Live your life without any restrictions, because at the end of the day you will look back and regret not making the best of the time you have. If you lose friends and lovers in the process of chasing your happiness, don't let it bring you down. You are stronger then you think, and just know that those people who have stood by you through every unanswered text and disappointment those people are your biggest supporters.

Estilo Lau 
Healthy List 

14 Slim-Down Smoothies.
Click Link for Full Recipe
I absolutely live by this blog, The recipes are delicious and so easy to make. 

Click Link 

The Jillian Michael Six Week Six-Pack Abs Workout
This workout program completely transformed my body, and helped me find workouts that accommodated to my work out abilities.
 I recommend this program 100% and can assure you that it will transform your beautiful body

For all those fabulous ladies, who wants the angel body, this program is fun and effective. I did the abs and bootie workout and found it really helped me tone up.

The Best Victoria Secret Ab Workout Click Here

Yoga For Weight Loss, Strength and Lengthen
Yoga By Adriene
You always hear people saying " yoga is so good for you " but I didn't realize how good it was until I began to practice myself. I like to do midnight yoga, It helps me relax my mind and it brings me into a state of mind that I completely love.  I love this yoga workout by Yoga with Adriene! fall in love with yoga in 2015.

Thank you to my crazy hispanic family, amazing friends, and awesome readers for making this 2014 an unforgettable year. My blog has only been active for three weeks and I have reached 27,475 views, I can’t begin to express how thankful I am. Can’t wait to kick off 2015 and share with all of you  my first published article in VIDA Toronto Magazine. 

Los Quiero mucho xo Happy 2015 My Luvs

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