Monday 10 October 2016

Why I Became a Vegetarian

Brunch and Cake Vegetarian Resturant, Barceloneta
Why did I become a Vegetarian? I have been getting this question a lot recently, and wanted to share my story. About five months ago while living abroad I made the sudden and not so"drastic"decision to stop eating meat. I was noticing that after I would eat meat my body would feel weak, and my belly would start to ache. Most people's first reaction when you turn Vegetarian is " omg, how could you give up eating bacon" well it's not easy, but not impossible.I stopped eating red meats, and I thought that's as far I could go (considering I'm Hispanic and everything in our lives revolves around food) but, once I started to notice the positive changes in my body and my health I made a promise to change my eating habits completely.

I workout about 3-4 time a week and my doctor suggested I continue to consume something high in protein and suggested I stick to fish, so as of right now I'm a Pesco Vegetarian (meaning I only eat fish). I also stopped drinking regular milk and instead I drink Almon Milk ( regular or vanilla flavor). I will be doing a YOUTUBE video in the next couple of weeks, where I will be discussing everything to do with my new meal plan. I'm a work in progress, as I said taking baby steps has helped my body adapt to the changes in my eating habits. The only downside to changing what I eat is my body is undergoing a detox, I have been breaking out often ( which use to never happen to me before ) but, you be surprised to know that this is actually normal. It basically means that the changes you are making are having a positive impact on your body ( referred to as herxheimer reaction)

I have an overwhelming love for animals and just thinking of the way they are treated and the harmful pesticide residue found in most meat, fish and dairy products were two of the major reason as to why I stopped eating meat. A vegetarian diet is healthier than an average diet, by eating healthier it helps prevent heart disease, reduces the risk of cancer, and most importantly good nutrition generates more usable energy. Some people who I have spoken to tell me " we are meant to eat animals to survive , animals eat animals it's part of life" and I understand that and respects everyone's life choices. I had promised myself I would start to make positive changes in my life and becoming a vegetarian was one of those goals.If you are considering becoming a Vegeterian or a Vegan my advice to you would be don't feel pressure to completely give up everything at once. It's okay to slowly change your eating habits, take your time as long as you are satisfied with yourself and the changes you are making that's all that matters.

Thank You for Reading,
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