Saturday, 6 June 2015

It's Okay to Be Yourself. Gay, Straight, Transgender

Bruce Jenner Vanity Fair  photographed by Annie Leibovitz
We are entitled to our own opinion and some
people may agree and others may don't. But at the end of the day it's no one’s business but your own what you do or don't do in your life. It takes a strong individual to come out in the public eye and say “this is me, this is who I am”. I don't think being judged by others is the hardest part, but learning to love yourself again is. Whether you are straight, gay, bisexual or transgender none of those titles should devalue your true essence. We judge each other every day every second of the day, but it's just how life is. We can all sit around in a circle and sing kumbaya all day long and say we don't judge others but that's clearly a lie. It's an ugly habit but it takes an even stronger person to push through all the negativity and turn around and say " screw your stereotypes, this is me and I love me" 

Your sexual orientation in my personal opinion
should not isolate you from the world, if anything it should be embraced.Loving yourself is the first step to happiness and if this makes you happy than be it. Be happy, be yourself and love yourself because you are beautiful inside out. The choices others make may be out of your comfort zone, but it doesn't concern you either. Someone really close to me has taught me what it means to love someone unconditionally, and what it means to fight for what you love. He has taught me to embrace who i am and taught me to be acceptant of what's outside of the norm. It's hard for some people to accept the idea of loving someone of the same sex or in this case being transgender, but it's not something for you to accept it all comes down to being true to yourself and loving the life you live. Love is the most powerful thing we have as people and the one thing we all chase throughout our whole life’s. We all want that infectious love that everyone envy's. If you are gay, bisexual, transgender or straight know that who you are is more beautiful than what society is trying to shape you to be.
Be true to yourself, live a selfless life filled
with love and respect for others.
I wanted to share with everyone a person that is really close to my heart, my uncle. For those who don't know me on a personal bases and are unfamiliar with the real meaning of my tattoo here it is.My uncel made a promise the day i was born to love me and always be there for me and not once has he failed to do so. He has overcomes some of life's toughest situations and even after being brought down has never stop loving life. He has taught me that it's okay to be "different " and it's okay to be yourself.He exposed me to a new side of life and showed me what real love feels like. Love has no boundaries or sexual orientation, it's something so powerful and real that it should be embraced.I am so proud and overcome with joy to share his story. Every time someone approaches me with the question " what does your tattoo stand for" I stand for him and for every other individual who is outside of the "norm"

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